An Epiphany Has Come

FIVE STARS - Online Book Club

FIVE STARS - Readers’ Favorite

“A tremendously good book…David’s writing is fantastic…an exceptional exposé” - The Matt McAvoy Book Review

Praise for Forsaking Church

  • "Thank-you David Alexander Shaw...a most interesting book! Forsaking Church catches your attention from the first page to the last. Hilarious and filled with beauty."

    -Readers’ Favorite

  • "This is a tremendously good book. Profoundly cerebral, although fiction, it is a heartfelt, highly intelligent study of migration across the Americas, from the point of view of the migrants as well as other observers. (David) is either an extremely insightful person or a wonderful researcher – I suspect both. He gives enormous depth to the characters, and their monologues and dialogues on the subject of love for one’s fellow human, and presents the facts about cross-border migration in a smart and unbiased way, resisting sickly-sweet fantasy politics; it all makes sense, without the need to vilify anybody of any position on the spectrum...David’s writing is fantastic… An exceptional exposé of the complexities of a hugely emotive and misunderstood social issue, which is as old as humankind itself."

    -The Matt McAvoy Book Review

  • "I would highly recommend this book - a very thought-provoking read that raises deep moral and theological questions in light of current political issues. David Shaw, in his poignant narrative, does a masterful job of helping us to see through caring eyes."

    - Ray Benoit